Recirculatory Aquaculture System (RAS) are used in home aquaria and for fish production where water exchange is limited and the use of biofiltration is required to reduce ammonia toxicity.Other types of filtration and environmental control are often also necessary to maintain clean water and provide a suitable habitat for fish.The main benefit of RAS is the ability to reduce the need for fresh, clean water while still maintaining a healthy environment for fish. To be operated economically commercial RAS must have high fish stocking densities, and many researchers are currently conducting studies to determine if RAS is a viable form of intensive aquaculture.
A series of treatment processes is utilized to maintain water quality in intensive fish farming operations. These steps are often done in order or sometimes in tandem. Some of the important process are “Biofiltration, Solid Removal, Oxygenation, pH control, Temperature Control, Biosecurity and many. But regardless all must take place to ensure a healthy environment that maximizes fish growth and health.